Laporan keuangan Bank Mandiri Tbk

Download softcopy laporan keuangan Bank Mandiri Tbk.

Laporan keuangan Bank Mandiri

Laporan Per Kuartal 2014

2014DateFinancial Result
Q2 2014June 2014Download Document English (2MB)
Q1 2014March 2014Download Document English (614KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2013

2013DateFinancial Result
Q4 2013December 2013Download Document English (2MB)
Q3 2013September 2013Download Document English (2MB)
Q2 2013June 2013Download Document English (2MB)
Q1 2013March 2013Download Document English (2MB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2012

2012DateFinancial Result
Q4 2012December 2012Download Document English (2MB)
Q3 2012September 2012Download Document English (1.95MB)
Download Document Indonesian (985KB)
Q2 2012June 2012Download Document English (1.39MB)
Download Document Indonesian (1MB)
Q1 2012March 2012Download Document English (285KB)
Download Document Indonesian (306KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2011

2011DateFinancial Result
Q4 2011December 2012Download Document English (306KB)
Download Document Indonesian (214KB)
Q3 2011September 2011Download Document English (190KB)
Download Document Indonesian (207KB)
Q2 2011June 2011Download Document English (662KB)
Download Document Indonesian (748KB)
Q1 2011March 2011Download Document English (150KB)
Download Document Indonesian (166KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2010

2010DateFinancial Result
Q4 2010December 2011Download Document English (146KB)
Download Document Indonesian (227KB)
Q3 2010September 2010Download Document (165KB)
Q2 2010June 2010Download Document (158KB)
Q1 2010March 2010Download Document (239KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2009

2009DateFinancial Result
Q4 2009December 2010Download Document (135KB)
Q3 2009September 2009Download Document (168KB)
Q2 2009June 2009Download Document (157KB)
Q1 2009March 2009Download Document (144KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2008

2008DateFinancial Result
Annual 2008December 2008Download Document (75KB)
Q3 2008September 2008Download Document (94KB)
Q2 2008June 2008Download Document (95KB)
Q1 2008March 2008Download Document (125KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2007

2007DateFinancial Result
Annual 2007December 2007Download Document (68KB)
Q3 2007September 2007Download Document (56KB)
Q2 2007June 2007Download Document (60KB)
Q1 2007March 2007Download Document (207KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2006

2006DateFinancial Result
Annual 2006December 2006Download Document (109KB)
Q3 2006September 2006Download Document (111KB)
Q2 2006June 2006Download Document (123KB)
Q1 2006March 2006Download Document (109KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2005

2005DateFinancial Result
Annual 2005December 2005Download Document (110KB)
Q3 2005September 2005Download Document (111KB)
Q2 2005June 2005Download Document (124KB)
Q1 2005March 2005Download Document (126KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2004

2004DateFinancial Result
Annual 2004December 2004Download Document (116KB)
Q3 2004September 2004Download Document (119KB)
Q2 2004June 2004Download Document (125KB)
Q1 2004March 2004Download Document (118KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2003

2003DateFinancial Result
Annual 2003December 2003Download Document (122KB)
Q3 2003September 2003Download Document (110KB)
Q2 2003June 2003Download Document (113KB)
Q1 2003March 2003Download Document (122KB)

Laporan Per Kuartal 2002

2002DateFinancial Result
Annual 2002December 2002Download Document (121KB)
Q3 2002September 2002Download Document (110KB)
Q2 2002June 2002Download Document (120KB)
Q1 2002March 2002Download Document (109KB)

Laporan keuangan audited

Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2011 (Indonesian)Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2011 (English)Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2010 (English)Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2010 (Indonesian)Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2009Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2008Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2007Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2006Download Documentation
Unaudited Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, June 2006Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2005Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, June 2005Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2004Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, June 2004Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2003Download Documentation
Consolidated Financial Statements with Independent Auditors’ Report, December 2002Download Documentation

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10 years ago

sama pak, saya juga sbelumnya butuh seperti itu. tp untuk laporan keuangan 2010 kan ada juga tertera di dalam lp. keuangan 2011 dan lp. keuangan 2011 ada juga tertera di dalam lp. keuangan 2012.

Kang_Em_So (@kang_em_so)

pak edison saya mau nanya. untuk laporan keuangan triwulan IV tahun 2010 dan laporan keuangan triwulan IV tahun 2011 kenapa tidak bisa di download ya pak?

ada notifikasi, akses error.

kemudian laporan keuangan triwulan IV tahun 2012 kan tidak ada link nya, nah darimana saya bisa mendapatkan datanya?
kemana saya harus datang? apakah harus ke mandiri langsung?
mohon informasinya